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Determiners either, neither

Determiners either, neither

Determiners either, neither


Either means selection of one out of two. It can also mean both.

Examples of either

  1. You can leave either way. (=either this way or the other, but not both at a time)
  2. She does not speak either of those languages. (=she cannot speak both the languages)
  3. I can see apple trees growing on either side of the road. (=both sides)


Neither means selection of none out of two.

Examples of neither
  1. I used both the pens but neither was very good.
  2. Neither of them was invited to the party because of their unruly behavior.
Note: We have seen that neither means selection of none out of two. It does NOT mean more than two. Read the following:

  • Girl: Would you like banana or apple?
  • Boy: I like neither. I’m allergic to fruits.

  • Girl: Would you like banana, apple or mango?
  • Boy: I like none of those. I’m allergic to fruits. (=not I like neither as there are three items)

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Fill in the blanks with either, neither

_____ of the two boys could attend the classes today as they were asked to decorate the auditorium.
“Would you like juice or cold drinks?” _____ will do for me.

Post your answers below in the comment box.
Determiners either, neither Determiners either, neither Reviewed by AssamNextLevel on 7:32 AM Rating: 5

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