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Determiners each, every

Determiners each, every

Determiners each, every


Each is used for things when we think of them separately, one by one.
Each is used for single person or thing.
Each is always used with a singular countable noun.

Examples of each
  1. Each of the two girls has got a prize.
  2. Each of you can go for shopping.
  3. They presented each of the delegates with a beautiful handicraft dress.

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Every is used for more than two persons or things.

Every is used for a group.

Like each, every is also always used with a singular countable noun.

Examples of every
  1. Every country expects loyalty from its people.
  2. Every woman in the modern world expects to be rich and successful.
  3. Every humorist made the general population roar with laughter.

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Fill in the blanks with each, every

Tom was given three chances to finish the game and failed _____ time.

The Olympic games take place _____ four years.

Post your answers below in the comment box.
Determiners each, every Determiners each, every Reviewed by AssamNextLevel on 1:46 AM Rating: 5

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